Thursday, September 11, 2008

So, heard about the big proton thing that's supposed to blow up the Earth?

Well, scientists have come within inches of killing us all again. I am talking of course about the Large Hadron Collider. I call it a proton boomy thing.

Because that's what it does. It makes protons go boom.

It's design seems like something Orson Scott Card would write about: A 17 mile long circular tube about 550 feet below ground. Unstable protons are fired directly at each other at 99.999999999 percent of the speed of light.

Sweet Jesus. During it's operation, the PBT will be accessed by 7000 scientists.

Imagine. String theory could be proven by this. We could find an actual tesseract. Dark energy. Time travel.

Or it may create a black hole at the point of impact and the Earth and everyone and everything in it, on it, around it would be separated into quarks, possibly splitting these atoms and causing trillions and trillions of atomic bombs which will then be drawn into a place so dense light can't escape, thereby imploding the Earth, the Sun, all the planets, and, if it works good, the entire Universe, bringing to life the Big Crunch theory and leaving everything a thin, black, matter less void.

Let's hope nobody's calculator goes on the fritz.

Can we rename this project "Pandora's Box"? Damn our curiosity.

P.S. I am no physicist, and if there are any of you are and wish to correct me, please do so.


The Angel and Demon Within said...

I have a friend who lives in the UK. She was telling me she got a "end of the earth" shag the night before they did the first testing.

We are all still here and the earth is still twirling on its axis. So, I guess no major harm done; yet.

Name change noted…

Greg Voltaire said...

Is it to your liking?