Wednesday, September 3, 2008

If I'm being completely honest, I have no intention of ever doing anything productive here

It's true. I am totally apathetic to this blog as of right now. Perhaps I will have an epiphany and elect to painstakingly type out my innermost dreams and fears for all the world to see under the pseudonym of "Greg".

Then again, maybe I'll be a cheeky bastard and leave this, until some random soul, two years from now, looks at a comment "Greg" made on someone's blog and find his merry way here only to discover two posts, one adorably witty one here, and another one about the moldy cheese in my refrigerator to be posted in six weeks.

My title is Apathetic Empathy for a reason. I can tell for a fact you want to know what it is, but I really just don't give a shit. I could also have called it Empathetic Apathy, but I've noticed that I like the word "Apathetic" more than "Empathetic"

I really don't care what you call me, but my aformentioned pseudonym is "Greg". I've actually never been a fan of that name, and chose it on the fly.

Does revealing this fact make anyone take me less seriously? Does it make people assume I am a liar? Will anyone be liking it up to this point and say "OMUGOSH, EETZ NOT HIS RAEL NAEM!!!!1111" and abandon it to the wolves?

You can call me Apathetic Empathizer if you wish. You can call me Betty St. Divine if you want. Call me anything you want.

Just don't call the thought police.


I'm not mean, I'm just not nice. said...

I hope you write more, "Greg." Wow, I feel so I thought Greg was your real name haha. To be completely honest, as your post calls for, I never liked the name Greg either. I've only known two, though. One is a pothead who "makes beats" with wannabe rappers, and the other is a crazy Vietnam, maybe it's a good thing your name isn't really Greg. Or maybe I'm just rambling :)

Slutty McWho? said...

Well, at least you have a blog now. When you left a comment on my blog, and I clicked on your name a few days ago, there was no blog here!

I think Greg was a bad choice, though. It sounds so, well, dependable and safe. I would have liked something more dangerous.