Sunday, September 28, 2008


I celebrated a close family member's birthday today. It wasn't huge. We had cake and some fast food. We all wished her a happy birthday and went on our way. Spent some time.

The thing is, we spend time over there as it is. Not that I don't enjoy it, it's just shouldn't that be special. I hate special treatment on my birthday. When I complete a project I've been working on or a goal I've been working towards, then pat me on the back. Hell, I'll take some cake too.

But the day I was born? Seriously? I get cake and stuff just because my mother managed to stretch her cervix to the breaking point or go through a procedure that gets an enormous scar? Then give her the damn cake.

Yet I love recognizing other's birthdays. Is it the same for everyone? We hate our own, and don't want any attention on ours but feel a compulsive need to give the other person what we know we don't have? Maybe it's an inferiority complex. I don't feel as if I've given that person enough, why should they give me an arbitrary gift? Because of tradition?

Why do we love to give. It's not the tax write-off, because this doesn't have one. I despise getting things, people spending money on me, and giving me things, when a simple "Hey, you were born today. Hope your mother didn't hurt too much". That's what it should be. Guilt day. "You stretched your mother's vagina beyond all comprehension. Don't you feel great" The cake would be a giant hole with a head sticking out. If you are female, you should have a football shoved through your vagina. (You don't want to know what happens to the males)

Are humans naturally giving? Do we naturally want to give things to people for nothing? Does society make us into Scrooges or Republicans? So if any one's birthday is today, have a cookie, unless you'd rather I'd forget about it and give it to someone else. Maybe it's that I have a lot of guilt from when I was a child and yelling at my mother to get me a sandwich on her birthday.

Did I ruin my entire birthday happiness because of a PB&J?


Slutty McWho? said...

Thanks for taking the time to respond to that guy, Bob, on my blog. That was very sweet of you, and I appreciate it. Neither of us should get too upset with Bob, though. The fact that he posted such a big rant against me simply because I pissed him off over at CJ's blog suggests that he's got a few mental health issues of his own he needs to work on! It's hard to feel compassion for him, but that's probably what he deserves, I suppose.

Anyway, thanks again, and I will come back to read your blog in the future when I have more time (I'm a bit stressed out at the moment about various shit).

Greg Voltaire said...

The guy appears to by a misoganyst and likely xenophobe, and I will fight those men to the death no matter what the conditions. You just happened to be an innocent bystander he picked a fight with.

Of course he may actually be a nice, likeable guy who's just trying to help, and if he really is, he'll understand those who overreact.

You have no obligation to read it, and it'll keep on going if you do want to. I'm dinky compared to you, and my stories are far less interesting. You're so much better than me, to be honest. I just hope you don't quit because of someone like him. Hope you feel better about your various shit.


Sucre said...

Mssr Voltaire, I will guess we give because we want to receive. i love birthdays and I get a big giant kick over getting stuff on mine.

I like to see joy in the yes of others, that is why I give gifts. A birthday signals "this is just for you", instead of a holiday when everyone gets something anyway.

I doubt PB&J is the cause of your position.

Anonymous said...

You are a good friend, aren't you? A friend who is there by her side, and never tells her she might be wrong. Will you be by her side 10 years from now, when she crashes after living the life you encourage her to live? of course not. You are sweety, but not a real friend.

Slutty herself said in her blog that she values people who corrects her. She even quoted some author!

How can I be xenophobe if I lived years in the States, a country I love? A misogynist (you misspelled)? You yourself said that I talk too much about the accomplishments of my female partner! You have to label me because you don't have any good arguments. Ad hominen attack.

You will fight me to death, Don Quixote ? Yes, tell her not to meditate on what I said, it is all well, she is in big depression, desperate, her life is in shambles with no money to eat but she will write the blog for you, and she will call you sweetie. Life is good.

It seems you are more a Pangloss (if you ever read Voltaire you should know who he is) than anything else.

Greg Voltaire said...


Yes, I would tell a person they are wrong. I just do not believe Slutty and CJ are wrong just because they do what they do. I will not say they are going down the wrong path because of their career because I do not believe that the career in itself would have to be a problem. Being an erotic masseuse can be every bit as mundane and horrendously awful as being an accountant, only society dictates that one is better than the other. I will admit, of course, that erotic massage could perhaps lead to the alternatives of full service much easier than accounting. Although that may be the case, why must one be a more preferable career than the other? Why must they give up one job that makes them unhappy for another that makes them equally unhappy? Because society thinks erotic massage is worse?

You aren't correcting her, because she hasn't made a mistake. (Although I do thank you for catching my mispelling of misogynist)

Forgive me, but I do not understand how being from the United States means you are less likely to be xenophobic. It is not an ad hominem attack, because they are viable arguments against you: "Europeans are also a pain in the ass, they are either drunks with no life or nihilistic freaks dressed in black or pain in the ass narcissists who talk shit about wine and history for three hours non-stop." Beyond that, xenophobia need not be between those of physical boundaries. You appear to think erotic masseuses are somewhat low, although of course I may be wrong in my assumption.

As for the obvious hyperbole of "Fight to the death", you've yet to see me around a confirmed misogynist and xenophobe. There was a passing thought you were, and as I said, you very well may be trying to help. What you said to her seems, to me at least, ridiculous. She may see it a completely different way, and take your advice to heart, then be happy for the rest of her days. But you advice was essentially, stop being an erotic masseuse because it's making you unhappy. Become something else for less money, even if it still makes you unhappy. I have no doubt of her talent (I stop a moment to notice we are talking about her like she isn't even here, which she is) and suspect she will soon one day find happiness. But honestly, is giving handjobs any less fulfilling than a 9 to 5 job working as a cubicle monkey, putting report covers on TPS reports, especially in this economy?

I do not consider myself a Pangloss. I am more of a Carlin (granted, a much more modern allusion) who is also a realist. I saw what you said as, and I fear to use this word, spiteful and once again, somewhat misogynistic, and attempted to argue your point. You said she should stop this erotic massage, and do something better, even though that thing may make her equally as unhappy.

Jesus Christ, I need to quit typing. I do tend to ramble too much.

I'm not mean, I'm just not nice. said...

Well, it seems I have stumbled upon a heated debate. I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice and listened to "Tear You Apart" and fell in love with it. Very cool monotone feel to it with hot lyrics. Thanks for the tip!!

Greg Voltaire said...

Yes, I'll drop another one on your blog that for some reason I expect you've heard before.

Also, Bob, as to not gunk up posts with irrelevant (that's not to say what you say is irrelevant, merely that is it irrelevant to the particular blog post, which for some reason I doubt you read) would you do me the favor of sending anything related to Slutty v. Bob to me in an email? I hate people stumbling along thinking I'm not serious because they see an argument going on.